That mindset transformation trumps technological transformation is neither new nor novel. Yet, companies continue to overlay sophisticated technologies on rigid, outdated, and sometimes completely broken systems and pay the price for it. The question is, can organizations still afford to bury their head in the sand (or in the overhang of a traditional psyche), especially in an ever-evolving pandemic world? Successful transformation requires successful adoption of technology. Yet, the key to successful adoption isn't about technology, it is about people and user experience.
People tend to think that technology is the key driver for velocity, and this could be true in certain cases, but overall, technology delivers insight that makes people more responsive and intelligent. On its own, however, technology cannot deliver results without a high-caliber team.
Velocity requires businesses to build a modern digital foundation, invest in deep transformations, and embrace the power of engineering – contained within a people-oriented, automation-first, and agile-at-scale approach. The foundation provides stability and resilience to navigate market shifts and acts as a backdrop for a culture that promotes collaboration and employee well-being. This is what drives enterprise velocity in the long run.