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Sunanda Jayaseelan
Director and Head, Public Relations and Media
Zensar Technologies
Zensar Technologies Joins the United Nations Global Compact
Press Release | 21 Nov 2016
Pune, India, November 21, 2016: Zensar Technologies, a leading provider of digital solutions, software and infrastructure services, announced its participation in the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative.
Zensar is committed to the United Nations Global Compact and will align its strategies and operations with the universal principles on human rights, labour, environment, anti-corruption, and will take actions that advance the societal goals.
Sandeep Kishore, CEO and Managing Director, Zensar Technologies said, “Being part of a global platform such as the UN Global Compact, underlines our strong commitment to building a sustainable business in the regions we are present in. We practice a culture of progress, by implementing responsible practices, which is focused on building better relationships with our customers, partners and employees.”
“We will endeavour to be a responsive digital transformation partner to our customers while promoting the sustainable business principles of the UN Global Compact,” said Anurag Nautiyal, Associate Vice President and Head Public Sector Business.
The UN Global Compact is a voluntary initiative based on CEO’s commitment to implement universal sustainability principles within the organisation and to take steps to support the UN goals. In accordance with the Global Compact’s directives, each year Zensar will submit a Communication on Progress (CoP), with a focus on environment and labour which will describe the company’s internal efforts and accomplishments towards the principles.